Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School Additional recruitment only for candidates whose doctoral scholarship, in the event of admission to the doctoral school, will be financed in whole or in part from external funds (including implementation doctorates and persons qualified for research projects).

In power from: 12 Sep 2024

Registration criteria

Recruitment for persons whose doctoral scholarship will be financed in whole or in part by external funds:

a) persons whose doctoral scholarship, if admitted to the Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School, will be financed in whole or in part by grants for the implementation of scientific projects (announced by, inter alia, NAWA, NCN, NCBiR) obtained by the UL,

b) persons whose doctoral scholarship, if admitted to the Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School, will be financed in whole or in part from funds provided by external institutions (e.g. institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences) from their own funds or from grants obtained by these units,

c) persons who have applied to the Industrial PhD programme (Doktorat wdrożeniowy) and will obtain funding within its framework,

d) foreign nationals undergoing training on the basis of the provisions of Article 323(1)(1 5) of the PSWiN Act and having external resources granted under the provisions of Article 323(2) of the PSWiN Act (payable through the NAWA). 

Registration in the present recruitment path will only be complete with a proof of participation in a programme/project from the above list.


People with disabilities 

The University provides conditions for persons with disabilities to participate fully in the recruitment process, including by providing a sign language interpreter or being accompanied by an assistant during the interview, but the candidate should report such a need during the IRK registration process.


Recruitment Rules for the academic year 2024/2025


Rules of admission to the Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral Schools for the academic year 2024/2025 - click to read

Details of recruitment/admission process with all attachments are available on the following website: 


The recruitment procedure is initiated on the day on which the following two conditions are fulfilled jointly:



 Specifically, the candidate’s responsibilities include: 


a) selecting a doctoral school and identifying the discipline(s) in which the doctoral dissertation will be prepared. If the doctoral dissertation is to be prepared in more than one discipline, the candidate shall indicate the lead discipline,

b) filling in the registration form,

c) entering the grade point average obtained in the course of the Bachelor’s and Master’s studies or the Uniform Master's Studies or equivalent; the data shall be entered on the basis of the diploma supplement (academic transcript) referred to in Section 8(2)(1) or the certificate (grade average confirmation) referred to in Section 8(2)(3) of the Recruitment Rules. In the case of candidates who have completed their studies outside the Republic of Poland, the above results shall be converted by the doctoral school into the system applicable in the Republic of Poland proportionally, according to a percentage of the maximum possible number of points. The data entered by the candidate shall be verified on the basis of the documents provided,

d) uploading to the system the current photograph taken in a format meeting the requirements specified for ID cards in case of citizens of the Republic of Poland or for passports in case of foreign nationals,

e) making legible scans in PDF format of all the paper documentation (and the photograph that has been uploaded to the IRK system) that the candidate submits as part of the recruitment procedure, and then uploading them to IRK within the timeframe provided in the recruitment schedule for online registration. Each scanned file should include the candidate's full name and an indication of a document which has been scanned, as follows: Surname_Forename_name of the scanned document,

f) attributing one’s academic record to the discipline(s) to which the candidate's research and publication activities pertain, by submitting a statement to this effect in the IRK,

g) submitting by the candidate being a foreign national a statement concerning his/her wish to use a place in the UL Student Dormitory after admission to SD BioMedChem. UL does not guarantee the granting of a place in the UL Student Dormitory,

h) after registration in IRK - checking IRK account on a daily basis to receive and read messages.



Required documents


The documents that the candidate is obliged to submit are listed in § 8 of the Recruitment Rules


Documents required from Candidates for doctoral school:

Candidates for the Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School of the University of Lodz and Lodz Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences:

a) register online; 

b) submit a set of documents:

1. An application form for admission to the doctoral school printed from the IRK system and signed; 

2. A copy of the diploma certificate of completion of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree or the Uniform Master's Studies or equivalent; 

3. A copy of the diploma supplement (academic transcript); 

4. A certificate of the grade point average obtained in the course of the Bachelor’s and Master’s studies or the Uniform Master's Studies or equivalent;

5. An outline of the proposed doctoral dissertation with a statement confirming that the candidate has never previously prepared or defended a doctoral dissertation in the proposed topic (Annex No. 4); 

6. A questionnaire for evaluation of the candidate's documentation (Annex No. 6); 

7. Confirmation of previous research activities corresponding to the disciplines of the Doctoral School from the period of the last 5 years preceding the recruitment (10 years in the case of candidates for the Doctoral School at BioMedChem UŁ and PAS Institutes at Lodz enrolling within the Industrial PhD):  

a) publications – only works published or accepted for publication with editorial approval will be considered; the candidate must provide a bibliographic notice allowing full identification of the work and the page of the publication containing an abstract,

b) participation in scientific conferences - printout of abstract from conference materials, full conference details,

c) patents - confirmation by a patent attorney or by the Patent Office,

d) other achievements thematically related to the disciplines represented in DS BioMedChem in the last 5 years preceding the recruitment (10 years in the case of the Industrial Doctorate programme) confirmed e.g. by an employment contract or a civil-law agreement (copy - original to be provided), a statement confirmed by a decision-maker or an institution, a copy of the diploma of graduation from the second course of studies, certificates confirming trips (confirmation of the type of activity and its duration). 

8. Curriculum Vitae (indicating max. 3 most important achievements from the list of Other Achievements along with a substantive justification for their selection (max. 5 sentences), taking into account the qualities indicating the candidate's readiness to undertake training at DS BioMedChem). Each achievement must be confirmed (e.g. by a work contract, employment contract or commission agreement, statement confirmed by a decision-maker or institution);

9. A printed and completed Consent to act as a supervisor (Template), if candidate has found a supervisor on their own; 

10. If the candidate does not have the above declaration, he/she submits an Application for the appointment of the doctoral supervisor (Annex No 5) in case he/she has not found a promoter from the list of potential supervisors;

11. In the case of a candidate who completed his/her studies abroad, submits a legalised or apostille certified diploma of graduation from a foreign institution granting the right to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in the country whose higher education system operates the institution that issued it, and a sworn translation of the diploma into Polish certified by a sworn translator; 

12. A candidate with a certificate of disability / degree of disability issued based on the provisions of the Act on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2023, item 100 as amended) shall submit a copy of the certificate with other recruitment documents if he/she intends to exercise additional rights under the law;

13. a document confirming the candidate's knowledge of English of at least B2 level of CEFR (in the case of a certificate or diploma - a copy - an original for inspection, in the case of certificates – an original) in accordance with the List of Documents Confirming the Knowledge of a Modern Foreign Language (Annex 7 to the Recruitment Rules); 

14. In the absence of a certificate in English - the result of the examination will be taken into account:

100 - 90% - 5 points

89 - 80% - 4 points

79 - 70% - 3 points

69 - 60% - 2 points


15. Statement about the candidate’s and docoral student’s obligations to making a certified translation, informing about the change of personal data, submitting a dormitory application;


An international candidate should also provide the following:

(a) a document confirming the legality of their residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland in the form of a copy of a current visa or residence card immediately after obtaining one of the aforementioned documents, at the latest by the end of the first semester of study at the doctoral school,

(b) for candidates who do not have their domicile or habitual residence or registered office in the Republic of Poland, another Member State of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation or a Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) being a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area – a written designation of an address for service in the territory of the Republic of Poland or appointment of a representative ad litem (for the purposes of service of letters and administrative decisions). If the above obligation is not fulfilled, decisions and letters shall be left in the candidate's file with the effect of having been served.


Language test:


The language test will take place on 23 September 2024

Detailed information about the test will be provided to candidates registered in the IRK system via a system message.



 The interview will take place 26 September 2024

 Detailed information on the interview will be provided to candidates registered in the IRK system via a system message.


Announcement of admission lists 

of candidates whose doctoral scholarship will be financed from external funds:

till 7 October 2024


Time limit and method of delivery of paper documents: 

Original documents should generally be delivered

from 17 September till 19 September 2024 (10.00 pm)

- the date of delivery of documents is the date of their receipt by the doctoral school.

 Documents should be delivered in person to the BioMedChem doctoral school office or sent by post to the following address:


Bio-Med-Chem Doctoral School of the University of Lodz and Lodz Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Ms. Małgorzata Grzelak

ul. Matejki 21/23, room 110

90-237 Lodz


T:42 635 55 85


You can deliver your documents in person between 8am-13 pm (17-18 September 2024), between 8am - 10am (19 September 2024)




For persons applying from outside Poland:

A candidate residing abroad may direct a request via email address: to the Director of the BioMedChem Doctoral School for the opportunity to submit documentation in paper form after the deadline resulting from the recruitment schedule, with a commitment to deliver the original documents before the date of signing the oath. If a set of original documents is not provided, an administrative decision to deny admission to the Doctoral School will be issued.